Red Dead Redemption Switch v1.0.3 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-Red Dead Redemption Switch v1.0.3 Cheat Codes-PANDA

Download the 45 cheat codes for the Nintendo Switch game “Red Dead Redemption,” compatible with version 1.0.3. For other versions, please search within this site.

In every outstanding game, there’s always a moment that can be etched into your memory, never to rust. Or you could say, there must be such a moment for it to be considered an excellent game for you. For me, Red Dead Redemption has two such moments.

Below are the detailed cheat codes for those interested players to give it a try.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.3

Red Dead Redemption v1.0.3 TID=01007820196A6000 BID=B97EF033026D1E6F

[Red Dead Redemption v1.0.3 TID=01007820196A6000 BID=B97EF033026D1E6F]
[60 FPS]
04000000 00038D30 52800021

[Unlock 60 FPS Limit]
04000000 0000C86C 52807D00
04000000 00038D30 52800001

[Skip Intro (Skip Logo)]
04000000 00BD86EC D503201F

[Aspect Ratio 21.5:9 (3440x1440)]
04000000 00E78234 529C71CA
04000000 00E78238 72A8030A
04000000 012F9584 529C71C8
04000000 012F9588 72A80308

[Infinite Health]
04000000 0080F5DC 94316908
04000000 00DE90B4 941A0257
04000000 014699FC 39453B81
04000000 01469A00 36380041
04000000 01469A04 2A0A03EB
04000000 01469A08 6B0B015F
04000000 01469A0C D65F03C0
04000000 01469A10 394912A9
04000000 01469A14 39453AE1
04000000 01469A18 36380041
04000000 01469A1C 52800309
04000000 01469A20 D65F03C0

[Infinite Ammo Clip]
04000000 00DFC9F8 1E210C28

[Infinite Ammo Bandolier]
04000000 00E01C34 1E204022
04000000 00E01C7C 1E204001

[Infinite Items]
04000000 00F7B23C 51000108

[Infinite Dead Eye]
04000000 00FA1344 1E2703E0
04000000 00FA148C 1E2703E0
04000000 00FA1E50 1E2703E0

[Infinite Horse Stamina]
04000000 005623BC 1E23AC61

[Money 999999]
04000000 01469A54 8B080D28
04000000 01469A58 EB08013F
04000000 01469A5C 54000201
04000000 01469A60 F81F8FE9
04000000 01469A64 B81F8FE9
04000000 01469A68 B8400129
04000000 01469A6C 710AE13F
04000000 01469A70 54000121
04000000 01469A74 B84087E9
04000000 01469A78 B81F8FE9
04000000 01469A7C 12000D29
04000000 01469A80 7100213F
04000000 01469A84 54000081
04000000 01469A88 52847E09
04000000 01469A8C 72A92E89
04000000 01469A90 B81F0349
04000000 01469A94 B84087E9
04000000 01469A98 F84087E9
04000000 01469A9C D65F03C0

[Money 999999 ON]
04000000 00233B74 9448D7B8

[Money 999999 OFF]
04000000 00233B74 8B080D28

[Running Speed 1X]
04000000 00813974 1E2E1001

[Running Speed 2X]
04000000 00813974 1E201001

[Running Speed 3X]
04000000 00813974 1E211001

[Running Speed 4X]
04000000 00813974 1E221001

[Running Speed 5X]
04000000 00813974 1E229001

[Running Speed 10X]
04000000 00813974 1E249001

[Galloping Speed 1X]
04000000 00562CD4 1E2E100C

[Galloping Speed 2X]
04000000 00562CD4 1E20100C

[Galloping Speed 3X]
04000000 00562CD4 1E21100C

[Galloping Speed 4X]
04000000 00562CD4 1E22100C

[Galloping Speed 5X]
04000000 00562CD4 1E22900C

[Galloping Speed 10X]
04000000 00562CD4 1E24900C

[Horse Speed ON]
04000000 00562E08 943C1AF6
04000000 01469970 00000001
04000000 014699E0 1E214042
04000000 014699E4 39416A8A
04000000 014699E8 10FFFC41
04000000 014699EC 3400006A
04000000 014699F0 B940002A
04000000 014699F4 1E22014C
04000000 014699F8 D65F03C0

[Horse Speed 1X]
04000000 01469970 00000001

[Horse Speed 2X]
04000000 01469970 00000002

[Horse Speed 3X]
04000000 01469970 00000003

[Horse Speed 4X]
04000000 01469970 00000004

[Horse Speed 5X]
04000000 01469970 00000005

[Horse Speed 10X]
04000000 01469970 0000000A

[(+menu cheats) ON]
04000000 0132EFD8 9404EA93
04000000 0132F09C 52800028
04000000 01469A24 B941B108
04000000 01469A28 10FFFA69
04000000 01469A2C 528004E1
04000000 01469A30 38616922
04000000 01469A34 34000062
04000000 01469A38 6B14005F
04000000 01469A3C 54000080
04000000 01469A40 71000421
04000000 01469A44 54FFFF6A
04000000 01469A48 D65F03C0
04000000 01469A4C 52800028
04000000 01469A50 D65F03C0

[(+menu cheats) OFF]
04000000 0132EFD8 B941B108
04000000 0132F09C B8696908

[(+menu cheats) Reset all effects]
01000000 0146997A 00000000
01000000 0146997B 00000000
01000000 0146997C 00000000
01000000 0146997D 00000000
01000000 0146997E 00000000
01000000 0146997F 00000000
01000000 01469981 00000000
01000000 01469982 00000000
01000000 01469983 00000000
01000000 01469984 00000000
01000000 01469985 00000000
01000000 01469987 00000000
01000000 01469988 00000000
01000000 01469989 00000000
01000000 0146998A 00000000
01000000 0146998B 00000000
01000000 01469991 00000000
01000000 01469992 00000000
01000000 01469994 00000000

[Gain $500 (effect after closing the +menu)]
01000000 0146997A 00000006

[Spawn a Donkey (effect after closing the +menu)]
01000000 0146997B 00000007

[Spawn a Horse (effect after closing the +menu)]
01000000 0146997C 00000008

[Spawn a Wagon (effect after closing the +menu)]
01000000 0146997D 00000009

[Diplomatic Immunity (effect after closing the +menu)]
01000000 0146997E 0000000A

[Increase Bounty (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 0146997F 0000000B

[Clear Bounty (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469981 0000000D

[Gun Set 1 (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469982 0000000E

[Gun Set 2 (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469983 0000000F

[Gun Set 3 (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469984 00000010

[Gun Set 4 (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469985 00000011

[Famous (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469987 00000013

[Who? (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469988 00000014

[Good Guy (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469989 00000015

[Bad Guy (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 0146998A 00000016

[So-so Guy (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 0146998B 00000017

[Hic (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469991 0000001D

[Sharp Dressed Man (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469992 0000001E

[Gang Chic (effect after closing +menu)]
01000000 01469994 00000020

Red Dead Redemption – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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