The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of… Switch v1.0.1 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of… Switch v1.0.1 Cheat Codes-PANDA

Download 6 Cheat Codes for Nintendo Switch Game The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (Version 1.0.1) – For other versions, please search on our website.

In The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, players take on the role of Princess Zelda, one of the few survivors of the mysterious “Vanishing.” Together with the fairy companion, Tori, she embarks on a grand tour across Hyrule to save her people and rescue Link.

Below, we’ve provided a detailed breakdown of the cheat codes. Interested players are welcome to try them out!

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.1

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom v1.0.1 TID: 01008CF01BAAC000 BID: 09A15C8259828A41

[The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom v1.0.1 TID: 01008CF01BAAC000 BID: 09A15C8259828A41]
{master code}
08000000 046B6CD8 170A27B3 B91BF68B 
08000000 046B6CE0 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6CE8 170A27AF B91BF69F
08000000 046B6CB0 170803BE B9406D29 
08000000 046B6CB8 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6CC0 170803BA 52800009
08000000 046B6C88 16FAB5AA B9006909 
08000000 046B6C90 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6C98 16FAB5A6 B900691F
08000000 046B6BF0 176922A2 1E2E1012 
08000000 046B6BF8 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6C00 1769229E 1C000052
08000000 046B6C08 00005431 40400000
08000000 046B6BC0 17808489 1E2E1002 
08000000 046B6BC8 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6BD0 17808485 1E211002
08000000 046B6BD8 00005431 40000000
08000000 046B6B98 1779B5FF 5100056B 
08000000 046B6BA0 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6BA8 1779B5FB 5100016B
08000000 046B6B70 1779B600 5100054A 
08000000 046B6B78 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6B80 1779B5FC 5100014A
08000000 046B6B48 17788346 51000508 
08000000 046B6B50 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6B58 17788342 51000108
08000000 046B6B10 177AAF65 BD5BB100 
08000000 046B6B18 00005430 00005431
08000000 046B6B20 BD1BB107 1C000087 
08000000 046B6B28 177AAF5F BD5BB100
08000000 046B6B30 00005431 447A0000
08000000 046B6AE8 17694675 BD5AF260 
08000000 046B6AF0 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6AF8 17694671 1E2703E0
08000000 046B6AB8 177A52BD B95B0D09 
08000000 046B6AC0 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6AC8 B91B0D07 B95B0907 
08000000 046B6AD0 177A52B7 B95B0D09
08000000 046B6A80 177CE616 B95B9B13 
08000000 046B6A88 00005430 00005431 
08000000 046B6A90 B91B9B07 18000087 
08000000 046B6A98 177CE610 B95B9B13
08000000 046B6AA0 00005431 00002710
08000000 027DF6F0 17E49D5C 1E225821 
08000000 027DF6F8 00005430 00005431 
08000000 027DF700 17E49D58 1E27D001

[activation modification]
08000000 027DF6E0 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6A70 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6AA8 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6AD8 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6B00 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6B38 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6B60 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6B88 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6BB0 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6BE0 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6C78 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6CA0 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6CC8 180000D1 180000C7 
08000000 046B6CD0 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6CA8 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6C80 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6BE8 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6BB8 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6B90 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6B68 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6B40 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6B08 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6AE0 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6AB0 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 046B6A78 540000A0 6B1100FF
08000000 027DF6E8 540000A0 6B1100FF
04000000 00940BA4 14F5D849
04000000 008B7BA8 14F7FC3E
04000000 00564330 15054A52
04000000 020FF678 1496DD5A
04000000 026D7DE4 147F7B73
04000000 02524394 148649FD
04000000 02524370 148649FC
04000000 024D7860 14877CB6
04000000 025628A4 14855097
04000000 021084BC 1496B987
04000000 0254B5AC 1485AD3F
04000000 025F02D8 148319E6
04000000 02106C60 141B62A0

[Unlimited Oxygen]
04000000 027DF6FC 00005431

[Rupee Max]
04000000 046B6A8C 00005431

[blood maximum]
04000000 046B6AC4 00005431

[B+ Super Jump]
04000000 046B6AF4 00005431 

[Transformation Unlimited Energy]
04000000 046B6B1C 00005431

[Unabated use of props]
04000000 046B6B54 00005431

[No ingredients are consumed to make smoothies]
04000000 046B6B7C 00005431
04000000 046B6BA4 00005431

[ZL+ZR Detection mode]
04000000 046B6BCC 00005431

[Movement Speed Boost R+ Boost again]
04000000 046B6BFC 00005431
04000000 046B6C08 40A00000 

04000000 046B6C94 00005431
04000000 046B6CBC 00005431
04000000 046B6CE4 00005431


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