The Plucky Squire Switch v1.0.2 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-The Plucky Squire Switch v1.0.2 Cheat Codes-PANDA

Download 3 Cheat Codes for Nintendo Switch Game “The Plucky Squire” – Compatible with Version 1.0.2.
(For other versions, please search our site.)

In “The Plucky Squire”, the villainous Humgrump has a startling revelation – he’s doomed to lose his battle against the forces of good for all eternity. Unwilling to accept his fate, he throws the brave hero Jot out of the book’s pages and rewrites the story, changing the course of events forever.

Below, you will find the detailed cheat codes. For players eager to explore the game’s hidden possibilities, give them a try!

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.2

The Plucky Squire v1.0.2 TID: 01006BD018B54000 BID: FD84337DB6559628

[Breeze beta94 p9 The Plucky Squire 1.0.2 TID: 01006BD018B54000 BID: FD84337DB6559628]
[Off enable]
04000000 0117D8E4 BD400109 
04000000 011268AC BD0F9A61 

[gold 10k]
04000000 0117D8E4 BD400109 
04000000 0117D8E4 14DC638F 
04000000 04896720 1C000069 
04000000 04896724 BD000109 
04000000 04896728 17239C70 
04000000 0489672C 461C4000 

[hp full]
04000000 011268AC BD0F9A61 
04000000 011268AC 14DDBFA1 
04000000 04896730 BD4FA261 
04000000 04896734 BD0F9A61 
04000000 04896738 1722405E 


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