![picture[1]-Super smash bros ultimate Switch v13.0.2 Cheat Codes-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/01/QQ20240102213812.webp)
Nintendo Switch game “Super Smash Bros Ultimate” 26 cheat codes download, compatible with version 13.0.2, for other versions, please search on this site.
The game features 103 stages, double the quantity of “Super Smash Bros for Wii U” after adding DLC. Additionally, each map in this game can accommodate eight-player brawls and can be set in three modes: “Battlefield,” “Final Destination,” and “Big Battlefield.” This means there are over 300 maps in total.
Below is the detailed content of its cheat codes. Players who are interested can give it a try.
Spoiler: Code Version 13.0.2
Super smash bros ultimate v13.0.2 TID 01006A800016E000 BID CBD5A9B56EA859BA
[Super smash bros ultimate v13.0.2 TID 01006A800016E000 BID CBD5A9B56EA859BA]
[1p invincible]
04000000 003E6610 540000E4
[1p invincible off]
04000000 003E6610 540000E1
[cpu no move]
04000000 002DA180 D65F03C0
[cpu no move off]
04000000 002DA180 D10603FF
[hitkill on]
04000000 006C6220 D65F03C0
[hitkill off]
04000000 006C6220 6DBB2BEB
[run+speed normal]
04000000 00630178 1E2E1000
[run+speed 1.25x]
04000000 00630178 1E2E9000
[run+speed 1.5x]
04000000 00630178 1E2F1000
[run+speed 1.75x]
04000000 00630178 1E2F9000
[run+speed 2x]
04000000 00630178 1E201000
[jump up normal]
04000000 00621354 1E2E1000
[jump up 1.25x]
04000000 00621354 1E2E9000
[jump up 1.5x]
04000000 00621354 1E2F1000
[jump up 1.75x]
04000000 00621354 1E2F9000
[jump up 2x]
04000000 00621354 1E201000
[999.0 damager on]
04000000 003DDC78 1E27F000
04000000 003DDF08 1E27F000
[999.0 damager off]
04000000 003DDC78 1E2E1000
04000000 003DDF08 1E2E1000
04000000 003E6610 540000E4
04000000 003E6610 540000E1
04000000 006C6220 D65F03C0
04000000 006C6220 6DBB2BEB
[999999D MONEY ON]
04000000 003DDF08 1E27F000
04000000 003DE0D0 1E27F000
[999999D MONEY OFF]
04000000 003DDF08 1E2E1000
04000000 003DE0D0 1E2E1000
[boss no move]
04000000 015C9190 D65F03C0
Super smash bros ultimate – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer
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