“Honkaku AI Tousai Ginsei Mahjong” is an arcade-style game released on the Nintendo Switch platform. Developed and published by SilverStar, it was released in Japan in 2018.
You can easily enjoy Mahjong, one of the major table games, with Japanese Mahjong rules. The 2 Players mode allows you to compete with your friend by hiding your hand using a single device. Additionally, “How to Play,” “Hands List,” and “Glossary” features are available for Mahjong beginners.
Other information
NAME | Honkaku AI Tousai Ginsei Mahjong |
LANGUAGE | Multi |
YEAR | 2018 |
GENRE | Board |
NSP and XCI both ROM formats are working the same in emulation, as per your choice choose any one of them
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