![picture[1]-Download Brain Memory 2 Switch NSP ROM-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/03/QQ20240329213352.webp)
“Brain Memory 2” is a puzzle-solving game released for the Nintendo Switch platform in 2024. Based on the simple and understandable principles of memory games, this game not only allows you to exercise your attention while having fun but also effortlessly enhances your memory, making you a standout in the memory world!
In the game, the colorful illustrations are definitely a major highlight! These adorable pictures not only make the game more vivid and interesting but also help you remember the position of each card more easily.
![picture[2]-Download Brain Memory 2 Switch NSP ROM-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/03/QQ20240329213358.webp)
Other information
ID | 010000301E9A0000 (America, Europe) US (eng) |
Title | Brain Memory 2 NSP |
Release Date | March 22, 2024 |
Genre | PuzzleBoard GameEducationStudy |
Publisher & Developer | RedDeer.Games |
System | Switch |
Image Format | NSP |
Game Version | 1.0 |
Language | English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese |
Required firmware | Base=17.0.1 (Atmosphere) |
Multiplayer | Single System (1) |
Age rating | Everyone |
Supported play modes | TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode |
NSP and XCI both ROM formats are working the same in emulation, as per your choice choose any one of them
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