“Detention” is an adventure game released on the Nintendo Switch platform. Set against the backdrop of the martial law era in the 1950s and 1960s, it creates a fictional world that reflects the unique culture and circumstances of the period. Drawing from Taoist culture and Southeast Asian folklore, it offers players a distinctive style and elements rarely seen in horror games.
In the game, players control the protagonist by clicking. The cursor changes into symbols such as eyes, palms, or footsteps during gameplay. Players can investigate or take action to gather clues for puzzles. They also need to hold their breath by pressing the right mouse button when necessary to hide from various malevolent entities.
Other information
NAME | Detention |
LANGUAGE | Multi |
YEAR | 2018 |
GENRE | Adventure |
NSP and XCI both ROM formats are working the same in emulation, as per your choice choose any one of them
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