![picture[1]-Download UNTURNED Switch NSP ROM + 1.0.1 Update-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/03/QQ20240323154334.webp)
“UNTURNED” is a shooting adventure game released on the Nintendo Switch platform in 2024. Players find themselves in a modern society ravaged by zombies. To survive, they must team up with friends to fight against these terrifying undead.
In the game, players need to find weapons and supplies, battle zombies, and gain experience points to enhance their strength as they progress. Throughout the game, they can scavenge various clothing, weapons, food, and supplies while cleverly avoiding attacks from zombies and other players.
![picture[2]-Download UNTURNED Switch NSP ROM + 1.0.1 Update-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/03/QQ20240323154346.webp)
Other information
ID | 01000EF015442000 (America, Europe) US (eng), UK (eng), FR, DE, LAT (spa), SPA, IT, DU, CAD (fr), POR, RU |
Release Date | March 21, 2024 |
Genre | Multiplayer |
Publisher & Developer | 505 Games |
System | Switch |
Image Format | NSP |
Game Version | 1.0.1 |
Language | English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish |
Required firmware | Base=17.0.1 (Atmosphere) |
Multiplayer | Single System (1) |
Age rating | Teen |
Supported play modes | TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode |
NSP and XCI both ROM formats are working the same in emulation, as per your choice choose any one of them
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