![picture[1]-Download Air Traffic Sim Airport Dispatcher… Switch NSP ROM-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/03/QQ20240316092544.webp)
“Air Traffic Sim Airport Dispatcher Simulator” is a simulation game released for the Nintendo Switch platform in 2024. Have you ever dreamed of becoming that mysterious airport dispatcher who controls the sky and guides planes to a safe landing? Well, now’s your chance!
Here, you’ll step into the shoes of a brave airport controller, wielding authority and bearing the responsibility of plotting perfect flight paths for planes. Your goal is to ensure that every aircraft avoids all potential dangers and lands safely on the airport runway.
![picture[2]-Download Air Traffic Sim Airport Dispatcher… Switch NSP ROM-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/03/QQ20240316092550.webp)
Other information
ID | 0100ED201C74C000 (America, Europe) US (eng) |
Title | Air Traffic Sim: Airport Dispatcher Simulator NSP |
Release Date | March 21, 2024 |
Genre | PuzzleArcadeSimulationEducation |
Publisher & Developer | Megame |
System | Switch |
Image Format | NSP |
Game Version | 1.0 |
Language | English, Japanese |
Required firmware | Base=17.0.1 (Atmosphere) |
Multiplayer | Single System (1) |
Age rating | Everyone |
Supported play modes | TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode |
NSP and XCI both ROM formats are working the same in emulation, as per your choice choose any one of them
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