![picture[1]-Download Art of Glide Switch NSP ROM-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/02/QQ20240228211616.webp)
“Art of Glide” is an adventure game on Nintendo Switch, released in 2024. It immerses players in a serene world, embarking on a unique gliding journey. Seamlessly blending gliding with adventure, it allows you to soar freely like a paper airplane in infinite countryside forests.
With intuitive design, the game suits both seasoned players and beginners. You can easily pick it up and enjoy its excitement. Simple controls let you navigate your paper airplane, experiencing the charm of gliding. Additionally, rich adventure elements foster growth and challenge through exploration.
![picture[2]-Download Art of Glide Switch NSP ROM-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/02/QQ20240228211625.webp)
Other information
ID | 01004E901E232000 (America, Europe) US (eng) |
Title | Art of Glide NSP |
Release Date | February 16, 2024 |
Genre | AdventureArcadeActionSimulation |
Publisher & Developer | Loneminded |
System | Switch |
Image Format | NSP |
Game Version | 1.0 |
Language | English |
Required firmware | Base=17.0.0 (Atmosphere) |
Multiplayer | Single System (1) |
Age rating | Everyone |
Supported play modes | TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode |
NSP and XCI both ROM formats are working the same in emulation, as per your choice choose any one of them
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