“Butterfly Poison Flower Chain Taisho Akira Koi Ibun” is a captivating game released on the Nintendo Switch. Set in the vibrant Taisho Era, the story follows Yuriko, a noblewoman whose birthday celebration is marked by opulence and splendor.
Amidst the revelry, Yuriko makes a startling discovery: her father is orchestrating the event to find her a wealthy suitor. Determined to escape this predetermined fate, she grapples with her feelings of entrapment.
Other information
NAME | Butterfly Poison Flower Chain Taisho Akira Koi Ibun |
LANGUAGE | Multi |
YEAR | 2020 |
GENRE | Visual Novel |
NSP and XCI both ROM formats are working the same in emulation, as per your choice choose any one of them
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