BUCCANYAR Switch v1.03 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-BUCCANYAR Switch v1.03 Cheat Codes - PANDA-PANDA

Nintendo Switch game “BUCCANYAR” offers 7 cheat codes for download, compatible with version 1.03, for other versions please search within this site.

The game consists of two main parts: a navigation mode where players can operate their ships alongside AI cats (crew members), embarking on adventures and engaging in battles with other ships and sea monsters; and a port mode where players can customize their ships, exchange crew members, and trade resources obtained from battles.

Below is the detailed content of its cheat codes. Interested players are welcome to give them a try.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.03

BUCCANYAR v1.03 TID: 0100942019418000 BID: CCC8A98FD8EC5F3C

[Breeze beta79c BUCCANYAR 1.03 TID: 0100942019418000 BID: CCC8A98FD8EC5F3C]
[Restore code]
04000000 007922C8 1E349001 
04000000 007922CC 1E212800 
04000000 008F2414 4B0A016A 
04000000 00791E8C 1E203820 
04000000 0076AD00 1E222821 
04000000 00447928 4B130108 
04000000 00450954 4B130108 
04000000 004395B8 0B080128 

[1.Boost No Cooling Time]
04000000 007922C8 1E2703E1 
04000000 007922CC 1E212820 

[2.Ether fast buildup maxed out]
04000000 0076AD00 1F020421 

[3.Ether Consumption Increases (backup,Code 2 is enough)]
04000000 00791E8C 1E202820 

[4.The more you spend, the more money you get at the store.]
04000000 008F2414 0B0A016A 

[5.When using items or sell them at the store, the number of it increases by 90.]
04000000 00447928 11016908 
04000000 00450954 11016908 

[6.When using items, your ability value will increase by 100.]
04000000 004395B8 11019128 

[7.When using items, your ability value will increase by 1000.]
04000000 004395B8 110F9D28 

BUCCANYAR – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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