DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 Switch v1.21.01 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 Switch v1.21.01 Cheat Codes - PANDA-PANDA

Here are thirty cheat codes for downloading the Nintendo Switch game “DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2,” compatible with version 1.21.01. For other versions, please search within this site.

“Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2” is the ultimate Dragon Ball gaming experience, packed with thrilling action, epic battles, and endless customization options. Create your own character, explore Conton City, and team up with iconic characters from the series as a mentor to train and prepare for battles against formidable enemies to rescue the flow of history!

Below is the detailed content of the cheat codes for those interested players to try out.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.21.01


[Breeze beta89  DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 FOR NINTENDO SWITCH 1.21.01 TID: 010078D000F88000 BID: 93D7DE7F4CABC22C]
{reduction code}
04000000 00085374 BD410661 
04000000 0008DDF8 BD410E60 
04000000 0008DDFC BD411261 
04000000 0013528C BD41734B 
04000000 000226A8 B9400028 
04000000 000226B0 AA1F03E9 
04000000 00838094 6B030108 
04000000 003AC808 1E282800 
04000000 003AC81C 1E282800 
04000000 0008532C B91DEE7F 
04000000 0009C49C 11000502 
04000000 00832E64 0B01018C 
04000000 00833018 1A813117 
04000000 00833144 2A0103F5 
04000000 0052F47C B941D002 
04000000 0021EC90 0B160001 
04000000 0083B0F0 F828692B 
04000000 00837DA8 B9401900 
04000000 0021D898 1A95B3F5 
04000000 0021D89C 5400030B 
04000000 00222A5C 1E220280 

[Player unlimited life]
04000000 00085374 9449A5D3 
04000000 012EEAC0 BD410661 
04000000 012EEAC4 39410268 
04000000 012EEAC8 35000048 
04000000 012EEACC BD010261 
04000000 012EEAD0 D65F03C0 

[Player Unlimited Gas]
04000000 0008DDFC 94498336 
04000000 012EEAD4 BD411261 
04000000 012EEAD8 39410268 
04000000 012EEADC 35000048 
04000000 012EEAE0 BD010E61 
04000000 012EEAE4 D65F03C0 

[Automatic restoration of the player's qi]
04000000 0008DDF8 9449833C 
04000000 012EEAE8 BD410E60 
04000000 012EEAEC 39410268 
04000000 012EEAF0 35000088 
04000000 012EEAF4 1E2D1001 
04000000 012EEAF8 1E212800 
04000000 012EEAFC BD010E60 
04000000 012EEB00 D65F03C0 

[Unlimited energy for players]
04000000 0013528C 9446E61E 
04000000 012EEB04 BD41734B 
04000000 012EEB08 39410354 
04000000 012EEB0C 35000054 
04000000 012EEB10 BD016F4B 
04000000 012EEB14 D65F03C0 

[Players gain dominance]
04000000 000226A8 944B311C 
04000000 012EEB18 B9552808 
04000000 012EEB1C 35000068 
04000000 012EEB20 5284E1E8 
04000000 012EEB24 7803E008 
04000000 012EEB28 B9400028 
04000000 012EEB2C D65F03C0 

[Player Auto Dodge]
04000000 000226B0 944B3120 
04000000 012EEB30 B955280A 
04000000 012EEB34 3500006A 
04000000 012EEB38 5284E1EA 
04000000 012EEB3C 7901040A 
04000000 012EEB40 AA1F03E9 
04000000 012EEB44 D65F03C0 

[Backpack props don't diminish]
04000000 00838094 6B1F0108 

04000000 003AC808 1E2E1000 
04000000 003AC81C 1E2E1000 

[No breaks in the combo]
04000000 0008532C D503201F 

[Maximum after combo increase]
04000000 0009C49C 5280CCC2 

[Largest after Sony changes]
04000000 00832E64 0B0A018C 

[Maximum after TP medal increase]
04000000 00833018 1A883117 

[TP medals do not diminish]
04000000 00833144 2A1F03F5 

[Unlimited Ability Points]
04000000 0052F47C 5284E1E2 

[Maximum after experience value increase]
04000000 0021EC90 94433FAE 
04000000 012EEB48 52993FE1 
04000000 012EEB4C 72A77341 
04000000 012EEB50 D65F03C0 

[Mentor's favorability is maximized after having a conversation_use with caution]
04000000 0083B0F0 942ACE99 
04000000 012EEB54 F828692B 
04000000 012EEB58 5284E1E2 
04000000 012EEB60 78286922 
04000000 012EEB64 D65F03C0 

[Maximum OK bandage properties selected in the sell screen]
04000000 00837DA8 142ADB70 
04000000 012EEB68 B9401100 
04000000 012EEB6C 7100241F 
04000000 012EEB70 54000081 
04000000 012EEB74 529FFFE0 
04000000 012EEB78 72A01FE0 
04000000 012EEB7C B9001500 
04000000 012EEB80 B9401900 
04000000 012EEB84 17D5248A 

[Must get a Z rating]
04000000 0021D898 1A95B2B5 
04000000 0021D89C 14000018 

[Getting double the score]
04000000 00222A5C 9443304B 
04000000 012EEB88 52800055 
04000000 012EEB8C 1B157E94 
04000000 012EEB90 1E220280 
04000000 012EEB94 D65F03C0 

DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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