Outward Definitive Edition Switch v1.1 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-Outward Definitive Edition Switch v1.1 Cheat Codes - PANDA-PANDA

Nintendo Switch game “Outward Definitive Edition” 13 cheat codes download, compatible with version 1.1, for other versions please search on this site.

Players will take on the role of a traveler and explorer adventuring in an open world. The adventure is not easy, as initially the player-controlled character is quite fragile, with combat prowess comparable to enemies’. In this wild land full of fantastical creatures, surviving means using physical combat and magic to overcome harsh environments and enemies.

Below are the detailed cheat code contents for everyone interested to try out.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.1

Outward: Definitive Edition v1.1 TID: 0100AFB01AAF0000 BID: 15EC89022E517D43

[Breeze beta88 Outward: Definitive Edition 1.1 TID: 0100AFB01AAF0000 BID: 15EC89022E517D43]
{master code}
04000000 01A27580 BD006C00
04000000 01A27338 BD00F260
04000000 01AD0E98 BD02E260
04000000 01AD0EF8 BD030A60
04000000 01AD0F5C BD033260
04000000 01AD10AC BD035268
04000000 01855EBC BD01AE60
04000000 01528F10 1E293800
04000000 01A2757C 1E283800
04000000 01A28528 BD401500
04010000 03330750 52A7E006
04010000 03330754 B9460E65
04010000 03330758 6B0500DF
04010000 0333075C 54000060
04010000 03330760 1E293800
04010000 03330764 1787E1EC
04010000 03330768 1E293800
04010000 0333076C 1787E1EA
04010000 03330770 18000146
04010000 03330774 B942E405
04010000 03330778 6B0500DF
04010000 0333077C 540000A1
04010000 03330780 1E283800
04010000 03330784 179BDB7F
04010000 03330788 1E21100B
04010000 0333078C 1E2B0908
04010000 03330790 1E283800
04010000 03330794 179BDB7B
04010000 03330798 42C80000

[hp inf]
04010000 01A27580 14642464
04010000 03330710 18000166
04010000 03330714 B942E405
04010000 03330718 6B0500DF
04010000 0333071C 54000060
04010000 03330720 BD006C00
04010000 03330724 179BDB98
04010000 03330728 1E2703E0
04010000 0333072C BD005C00
04010000 03330730 1C000080
04010000 03330734 BD006C00
04010000 03330738 179BDB93
04010000 0333073C 42C80000
04010000 03330740 42C80000

[stamina inf]
04010000 01A27338 146424DC
04010000 033306A8 1E2703E0
04010000 033306AC BD00E660
04010000 033306B0 1C000060
04010000 033306B4 BD00F260
04010000 033306B8 179BDB21
04010000 033306BC 42C80000

[no hungry]
04010000 01AD0E98 14617E0A
04010000 033306C0 1C000060
04010000 033306C4 BD02E260
04010000 033306C8 179E81F5
04010000 033306CC 447A0000

[no thirst]
04010000 01AD0EF8 14617DF6
04010000 033306D0 1C000060
04010000 033306D4 BD030A60
04010000 033306D8 179E8209
04010000 033306DC 447A0000

[no sleep]
04010000 01AD0F5C 14617DE1
04010000 033306E0 1C000060
04010000 033306E4 BD033260
04010000 033306E8 179E821E
04010000 033306EC 447A0000

[temperature neutral]
04010000 01AD10AC 14617D91
04010000 033306F0 1C000068
04010000 033306F4 BD035268
04010000 033306F8 179E826E
04010000 033306FC 42480000

[duration 200]
04010000 01855EBC 146B6A11
04010000 03330700 1C000060
04010000 03330704 BD01AE60
04010000 03330708 179495EE
04010000 0333070C 43480000

[move speed x 3]
04010000 01A28528 1464209E
04010000 033307A0 52800026
04010000 033307A4 B8578105
04010000 033307A8 6B0500DF
04010000 033307AC 54000061
04010000 033307B0 1E211000
04010000 033307B4 BD001500
04010000 033307B8 BD401500
04010000 033307BC 179BDF5C

[no knockdown]
04010000 01528F10 14781E10
04010000 03330768 D503201F

[1 hit knockdown enemy]
04010000 01528F10 14781E10
04010000 03330760 1E203800

[damage x 3]
04010000 01A2757C 1464247D
04010000 0333077C 54000061

[damage x 5]
04010000 01A2757C 1464247D
04010000 0333077C 54000061
04010000 03330788 1E22900B

04010000 01A2757C 1464247D
04010000 03330790 1E203800

Outward Definitive Edition – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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