Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Switch v1.0.2 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Switch v1.0.2 Cheat Codes-PANDA

Here are the detailed cheat codes for “Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin” on Nintendo Switch, compatible with version 1.0.2. For other versions, please search within this site.

Developed by Edelweiss, the indie team known for the acclaimed Astebreed, “Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin” combines side-scrolling action with intricate crafting and rice cultivation mechanics, weaving a compelling narrative about discovering one’s purpose in the world.

Below is the comprehensive list of cheat codes for those who are interested in trying them out.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.2

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin v1.0.2 TID=0100B1400E8FE000 BID=2523CB8B455ABC1D

[Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin v1.0.2 TID=0100B1400E8FE000 BID=2523CB8B455ABC1D]
580F0000 007B4298
580F1000 00000040
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 0000000C
640F0000 00000000 42FE0000

[moon jump]
580F0000 007B19D0
580F1000 00000180
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000520
580F1000 00000008
580F1000 00000260
780F0000 00000008
640F0000 00000000 41800000

[Items not reduced on]
040B0000 00276B28 6B1F0121
040B0000 00277354 6B1F0141

[Items not reduced off]
040B0000 00276B28 6B130121
040B0000 00277354 6B140141

[Inf SP@crypt51]
580F0000 007B4298
580F1000 00000040
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000014
640F0000 00000000 42480000

[Have Movement speed/jump 2.0x]
040B0000 004A7B70 1E201005
040B0000 004A7B74 1E250800
040B0000 004A7B78 8B090D08
040B0000 004A7B7C D65F03C0
040B0000 00228048 9409FECA

[Have Move Speed/Jump Recovery]
040B0000 00228048 8B090D08

[Have Money/Wood Soul 16x]
040B0000 004A7B90 7100003F
040B0000 004A7B94 1A9FA021
040B0000 004A7B98 0B0113E1
040B0000 004A7B9C 9109E008
040B0000 004A7BA0 D65F03C0
040B0000 00279820 9408B8DC

[Have Infinite HP]
580F0000 007B4298
580F1000 00000040
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 0000000C
640F1000 00000000 4479C000
620F1000 00000000 000003E7

[Have invincible when on the ground on]
040B0000 004A7BA4 F9404E86
040B0000 004A7BA8 B94128C7
040B0000 004A7BAC 52800027
040B0000 004A7BB0 B90128C7
040B0000 004A7BB4 AA1403E0
040B0000 004A7BB8 D65F03C0
040B0000 002CE434 940765DC

[Have invincible when on the ground off]
040B0000 002CE434 AA1403E0

[Have Infinite technical skills]
040B0000 00108B64 1E210900

[Always full stomach on]
040B0000 002CE67C BD000E62

[Always full off]
040B0000 002CE67C BD000E60

[Props are not reduced on]
040B0000 00276B28 6B1F0121
040B0000 00277354 6B1F0141

[Props are not reduced off]
040B0000 00276B28 6B130121
040B0000 00277354 6B140141

[Items increase 8x]
040B0000 00275A64 0B090D01

[Explore goals quickly reached]
040B0000 002C7A98 1A8AB149
040B0000 002C7F48 1A8AB149
040B0000 002C9130 1A8A2548
040B0000 002C94A4 14000005
040B0000 002C9620 1A892528
040B0000 002CA150 1A8A3149
040B0000 002CA860 1A8A3149
040B0000 002CB45C 14000007
040B0000 002CBA5C 14000014
040B0000 002CBAD4 17FFFFF6

[Maximum speed press ZR]
58000000 007B4298
58001000 00000040
58001000 00000000
58001000 00000098
58001000 00000268
78000000 00000008
64000000 00000000 41500000

[Martial skill proficiency 20x]
040B0000 004A7B80 1E269005
040B0000 004A7B84 1E250908
040B0000 004A7B88 1E202900
040B0000 004A7B8C D65F03C0
040B0000 0029EC7C 940823C1

[Time lapse speed halved]
040B0000 004A7BE0 1E2C100F
040B0000 004A7BE4 1E2F0908
040B0000 004A7BE8 1E212900
040B0000 004A7BEC D65F03C0
040B0000 002A5654 94080963

[A quarter of the speed of time passing]
040B0000 004A7BE0 1E2A100F
040B0000 004A7BE4 1E2F0908
040B0000 004A7BE8 1E212900
040B0000 004A7BEC D65F03C0
040B0000 002A5654 94080963

[Have Max Status]
580F0000 007B4298
580F1000 00000040
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000018
640F1000 00000000 0000270F
680F1000 03E703E7 03E703E7
620F1000 00000000 000003E7

[Have Max Jumping Flying]
58000000 007B4298
58001000 00000040
58001000 00000000
58001000 00000098
58001000 00000260
78000000 00000008
64000000 00000000 41700000

[Have Power Invincible]
58000000 007B4298
58001000 00000040
58001000 00000000
58001000 00000098
78000000 00000128
64000000 00000000 00000001

[Max Food Ingredients - on]
040E0000 00288F34 2A0803E9
040E0000 00288F4C D503201F
[Max Food Ingredients - off]
040E0000 00288F34 1A88B029
040E0000 00288F4C 540005A9

[Max Materials Items - on]
040E0000 00272DD8 2A0803E1
080E0000 00276B28 54000129 52807CE1
040E0000 00275A64 52807CE1
[Max Materials Items - off]
040E0000 00272DD8 1A88B028
080E0000 00276B28 54000109 6B130121
040E0000 00275A64 0B090101

[Max Rice Results]
580E0000 007B4298
580E1000 00000068
580E1000 00000080
780E0000 000004C0
680E1000 40C35600 00000000
680E1000 40C35600 00000000
680E1000 40C35600 00000000
680E1000 40C35600 00000000
680E1000 40C35600 00000000
680E0000 40C35600 00000000

[Max Sakuna's HP]
040E0000 00264170 5284E1E0
040E0000 00267D88 D503201F
040E0000 002CE6B8 1E20CC00

[Max Sakuna's Strength]
580E0000 007B4298
580E1000 00000040
580E1000 00000000
780E0000 00000018
620E1000 00000000 0000270F
780E0000 00000002
680E1000 270F270F 270F270F
620E1000 00000000 0000270F

[Max Ambers]
580E0000 007B4298
580E1000 00000030
780E0000 00000278
640E0000 00000000 000F423F

[Moon Jump (ZL+B)]
580E0000 007B4298
580E1000 00000040
580E1000 00000000
580E1000 00000098
580E1000 00000260
780E0000 00000008
640E0000 00000000 3F800000

[Speed up (ZR)]
580E0000 007B4298
580E1000 00000040
580E1000 00000000
580E1000 00000098
580E1000 00000268
780E0000 00000008
640E0000 00000000 41500000

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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