Contra: Operation Galuga Switch v1.0.876634 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-Contra: Operation Galuga Switch v1.0.876634 Cheat Codes-PANDA

Nintendo Switch game “Contra Operation Galuga” cheat codes download, compatible with version 1.0.876634, for other versions please search within this site.

This game offers multiple modes for you to choose from: Story Mode lets you embark on a new storyline on the familiar Galuga Islands; Arcade Mode allows you to enjoy the pure fun of the game effortlessly; Challenge Mode prepares various challenging objectives for you, completing which you can earn generous “Contra Coins” rewards; and the Auxiliary Ability Shop allows you to use these coins to unlock new abilities for characters or obtain alternative sound effects and other elements.

Below is the detailed content of its cheat codes for those interested players to try out.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.876634

Contra Operation Galuga v1.0.876634 TID: 0100CF401A98E000 BID: 0C96F996FDE48DA8

{Contra Operation Galuga v1.0.876634 TID: 0100CF401A98E000 BID: 0C96F996FDE48DA8}
580F0000 064D3050
400B0000 00000000 048696E4
680F01B0 B940A268 AA1303E0
400B0000 00000000 048696EC
680F01B0 1E2703E1 36000048
400B0000 00000000 048696F4
680F01B0 B940A268 D65F03C0
400B0000 00000000 048696FC
680F01B0 34000069 18000169
400B0000 00000000 04869704
680F01B0 1E204001 37000048
400B0000 00000000 0486970C
680F01B0 D65F03C0 1E213800

[fps 60]
580F0000 06D6E260
780F0000 00000F14
640F0000 00000000 00000001

400B0000 00000000 032BC390
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F

[No loss of HP]
400B0000 00000000 032BC7FC
640F01B0 00000000 1E2703E0
400B0000 00000000 03525AA8
640F01B0 00000000 944D0F0F

400B0000 00000000 03525AAC
640F01B0 00000000 94A1DA6F
04000000 04875138 0000000B

[spike off]
400B0000 00000000 03525AAC
640F01B0 00000000 94A1DA6F
04000000 04875138 00000000

[No reduction in soul coins]
400B0000 00000000 03A36D5C
640F01B0 00000000 4B1F0128

[no loss of ammunition]
400B0000 00000000 0379CF04
640F01B0 00000000 51000100

[Undiminished life expectancy]
400B0000 00000000 032BE3C8
640F01B0 00000000 51000117

[Infinite Jump (all characters)]
400B0000 00000000 032BFEC0
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F
400B0000 00000000 032BFED4
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F

[Movement speed increase]
400B0000 00000000 032C8DEC
640F01B0 00000000 1E2F1002
400B0000 00000000 032C8E00
640F01B0 00000000 1E3F1000

[No cooldown on sprint]
400B0000 00000000 032DCAFC
640F01B0 00000000 B906667F

[No loss of weapons after death]
400B0000 00000000 032D5D9C
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F

[Injury does not reduce weapon level]
400B0000 00000000 03540230
640F01B0 00000000 D503201F

[Maximum level when acquiring a weapon]
400B0000 00000000 032D0EA0
640F01B0 00000000 1A881102

[Self-tracking projectile at the start of the level]
400B0000 00000000 032D8D64
640F01B0 00000000 52800081
400B0000 00000000 032D8E70
640F01B0 00000000 52800081
400B0000 00000000 04307918
640F01B0 00000000 52800081

[Starts the level with its own laser bullets]
400B0000 00000000 032D8EB0
640F01B0 00000000 528000A1
400B0000 00000000 032D8EFC
640F01B0 00000000 528000A1
400B0000 00000000 04307964
640F01B0 00000000 528000A1

Contra: Operation Galuga – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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