Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince(Europe) 1.0.3 Cheat

picture[1]-Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince(Europe) 1.0.3 Cheat-PANDA

The cheat codes for the Nintendo Switch game “Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince” can be downloaded for version 1.0.3 (Europe). For other versions, please search within the site.

This game is a side story of “Dragon Quest IV,” depicting an alternative possibility within the world of “DQIV.” It is narrated from the perspective of the demon prince, Pizarro, revealing unknown aspects of his life experiences and the inner journey that led him to the determined decision of eradicating humanity.

Below, you’ll find the detailed cheat codes for the game. Players interested in this can give it a try.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.3

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince(Europe) 1.0.3 TID: 0100A77018EA0000 BID: 516C0DC61E7FC25C

{Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince(Europe) 1.0.3 TID: 0100A77018EA0000 BID: 516C0DC61E7FC25C}
[Scouting Success]
04000000 02264160 52800028
04000000 02264204 52800028

[999 when looking at the skill points]
04000000 06086378 F9403809
04000000 0608637C B9401528
04000000 06086380 52807CE0
04000000 06086384 4A080008
04000000 06086388 B9001128
04000000 0608638C D65F03C0
04000000 02EBDDE0 14C72166

[Variable number of items, max]
04000000 024C0D2C 2A0103E0

[Ignore formulation level restrictions]
04000000 02209C54 D503201F
04000000 05FD3530 6B18031F
04000000 02D97E9C D503201F
04000000 02D9BE48 4A140281

[Zero MP consumption]
04000000 031918A8 52800000
04000000 031918B0 D65F03C0

[5 times the experience gained in battle]
04000000 02A5BD50 0B000800
04000000 02A5BD54 D65F03C0

[Monsters do not disappear when compounded]
04000000 023B6970 A9BC7BFD
04000000 023B6970 D65F03C0

[Significant increase in the egg appearance rate]
04000000 03495360 B9401D13
04000000 034953BC 6B1F0273

[Always a successful escape]
04000000 02264AA0 52800021

[Always include glitter]
04000000 02DA9918 528000C1

[Normal drop off and rare drop off]
04000000 02A5897C B9401AA0
04000000 02A58980 51000408
04000000 02A58984 6B00029F
04000000 02A58988 1A94A114

[moon jump]
04000000 0225AC38 BD014660
04000000 0225AC38 BD014660
04000000 0225AC38 14F8ADD0
04000000 06086378 1C000060
04000000 0608637C BD014660
04000000 06086380 1707522F
04000000 06086384 40A00000

[Combat and movement speed up]
04000000 00F64490 1E2E1000

[Enemy monsters do not move]
04000000 0238CFCC D503201F

[Seasonal Flute Possession Flag]
04000000 0227A48C D503201F
04000000 022D6044 D503201F

[Always get up]
04000000 05E648F0 D503201F

[No encounters]
04000000 0225563C D503201F

[Max. in possession change]
04000000 027FE388 2A0103E0

[All certificates when you purchase items in the store. Cannot be used with SP points]
04000000 0231956C 94F5B387
04000000 06086388 A9BD7BFD
04000000 0608638C A90153F3
04000000 06086390 A9025BF5
04000000 06086394 AA0003F3
04000000 06086398 52800A74
04000000 0608639C AA1303E0
04000000 060863A0 2A1403E1
04000000 060863A4 52802582
04000000 060863A8 AA1F03E3
04000000 060863AC 9710E9F1
04000000 060863B0 11000694
04000000 060863B4 7105029F
04000000 060863B8 54FFFF2D
04000000 060863BC A94153F3
04000000 060863C0 A9425BF5
04000000 060863C4 A8C37BFD
04000000 060863C8 D65F03C0

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Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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