Paper Mario-The Origami King Switch v1.0.0 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-Paper Mario-The Origami King Switch v1.0.0 Cheat Codes-PANDA

Eight cheat codes for the Nintendo Switch game “Paper Mario: The Origami King” are available for download, compatible with version 1.0.0. For other versions, please search on this site.

“Paper Mario: The Origami King” is a cross-genre game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch console. This game is the sixth installment in the Paper Mario series, a subseries of the Mario franchise. It was globally released on July 17, 2020, and supports both traditional and simplified Chinese.

Below is the detailed content of its cheat codes. Interested players can come and give it a try.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.0

Paper Mario-The Origami King v1.0.0 TID: 0100A3900C3E2000 BID: BDD6DC7DA7A69290

[Paper Mario-The Origami King v1.0.0 TID: 0100A3900C3E2000 BID: BDD6DC7DA7A69290]
[02# max Coins]
580F0000 0184A078
780F0000 00000148
640F0000 00000000 0001869F

[03# Inf Paper]
580F0000 0184A078
780F0000 00000154
640F0000 00000000 407F4000

[Gold coin 4 times]
040B0000 005223D0 0B08094A
[Gold coins 8 times]
040B0000 005223D0 0B080D4A
[16 times gold coins]
040B0000 005223D0 0B08114A
[Life is not reduced]
040B0000 009888C0 B9414537
040B0000 009888C4 B9014137
040B0000 009888C8 B9414137
040B0000 009888CC D65F03C0
040B0000 00442BFC 94151731
[God Paper Max]
040B0000 009888D0 BD415D21
040B0000 009888D4 BD015521
040B0000 009888D8 91051129
040B0000 009888DC D65F03C0
040B0000 00442C00 94151734

[Props are not reduced in battle]
040B0000 003EA800 7100016C
040B0000 004851EC 710001AE
[No reduction in Chinobio points]
040B0000 0089EB20 0B1F0169
040B0000 0089EB5C 4B1F0128
[Weapon durability]
040B0000 009888E0 D2827E04
040B0000 009888E4 8B040124
040B0000 009888E8 52800005
040B0000 009888EC 528012C6
040B0000 009888F0 6B0600BF
040B0000 009888F4 540000AC
040B0000 009888F8 B900009F
040B0000 009888FC 91005084
040B0000 00988900 110004A5
040B0000 00988904 17FFFFFB
040B0000 00988908 B9400129
040B0000 0098890C D65F03C0
040B0000 00442C24 9415172F
[Unlimited number of operation rings]
580F0000 01855650
780F0000 0000001C
640F0000 00000000 00000002
[Number of actions 5 ZL key]
580F0000 01855650
780F0000 00000024
680F0000 00000005 00000005

[Moon Jump]
580F0000 0186B7D0
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000008
780F0000 000007F4
680F0000 BD000000 3F800000

[Big Mario (Hold ZR)]
580F0000 0186B7D0
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000008
780F0000 00000090
680F0000 3F800000 3F800000
680F0000 40800000 40800000

[Inf Star Power]
580F0000 0186B7D0
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000008
780F0000 00000E98
680F0000 00000001 2B000001

580F0000 0186B7D0
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000008
580F1000 00000E00
780F0000 00000148
640F0000 00000000 000000FF

[Stage Reset (Hold L R ZL ZR)]
580F0000 0186B7D0
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000008
780F0000 00000030
640F0000 00000000 4F000000
780F0000 00000004
640F0000 00000000 00000000
780F0000 00000008
640F0000 00000000 4F000000

[Speed Up (Hold L)]
580F0000 0186B7D0
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000008
580F1000 00000DF8
780F0000 00000044
680F0000 3EE66667 3EE66667
680F0000 3FE66667 3FE66667

[Timer OFF]
04000000 008DA6C0 4B1F02C8

[Timer ON]
04000000 008DA6C0 4B0802C8

[Walk Through Walls (Hold R)]
580F0000 0186B7D0
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000008
580F1000 000002D8
780F0000 00000170
640F0000 00000000 3F99999A
640F0000 00000000 4199999A

[escape rate 100 percent]
040B0000 00778950 52800C88

Paper Mario-The Origami King – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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