HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 Switch v1.0.3 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 Switch v1.0.3 Cheat Codes-PANDA

Nintendo Switch game “HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2” offers 6 cheat codes for download, compatible with version 1.0.3; for other versions, please search within this site.

Now, you can also ride motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, each with its unique racing style, allowing you to tackle each track in the most strategic way!

Below are the detailed cheat code contents for everyone interested to give them a try.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.3

HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 – Turbocharged v1.0.3 TID: 01001BE01908C000 BID: 9DC8F0A09998B608

[Breeze beta84  HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 - Turbocharged 1.0.3 TID: 01001BE01908C000 BID: 9DC8F0A09998B608]
[nitro player full enemy 0]
04000000 0213AFC4 BD412D00 
04000000 0213AFC4 14EDEF47 
04000000 05CB6CE0 A9376BF9 
04000000 05CB6CE4 B941051A 
04000000 05CB6CE8 18000139 
04000000 05CB6CEC 6B1A033F 
04000000 05CB6CF0 54000061 
04000000 05CB6CF4 B9012D1A 
04000000 05CB6CF8 14000002 
04000000 05CB6CFC B9012D1F 
04000000 05CB6D00 BD412D00 
04000000 05CB6D04 A9776BF9 
04000000 05CB6D08 171210B0 
04000000 05CB6D0C 41400000 

[use pt to have 100pt 1M coins]
04000000 01DF925C B9004A62 
04000000 01DF925C 14FAF6B1 
04000000 05CB6D20 180000C2 
04000000 05CB6D24 B9004262 
04000000 05CB6D28 18000062 
04000000 05CB6D2C B9004A62 
04000000 05CB6D30 1705094C 
04000000 05CB6D34 00000064 
04000000 05CB6D38 000F4240 

[  t=0]
04000000 00F78C88 BD433661 
04000000 00F78C88 BD433661 
04000000 00F78C88 1534F822 
04000000 05CB6D10 BD033660 
04000000 05CB6D14 BD433661 
04000000 05CB6D18 16CB07DD 

04000000 02089EA8 0B150108 
04000000 02089EA8 0B151108 

HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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