SAMURAI MAIDEN Switch v1.31 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-SAMURAI MAIDEN Switch v1.31 Cheat Codes - PANDA-PANDA

Nintendo Switch game “SAMURAI MAIDEN” 13 cheat codes download, compatible with version 1.31. For other versions, please search within this site.

As the game progresses, both Tamaki and the Guardian will acquire corresponding usable weapons. Different weapons exhibit variances in aspects such as attack power, stamina enhancement, and additional effects. Corresponding weapon skills also emerge as the weapons undergo strengthening.

Below is the detailed content of its cheat codes. Interested players can give it a try.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.31

SAMURAI MAIDEN v1.31 TID: 01003CE018AF6000 BID: 14DA85FF27635C4C

[SAMURAI MAIDEN v1.31 TID: 01003CE018AF6000 BID: 14DA85FF27635C4C]
{Master Code}
040B0000 03E2D1AC F9404515
040B0000 03E2D1B0 B94002A9
040B0000 03E2D1B4 37280049
040B0000 03E2D1B8 AA1F03F5
040B0000 03E2D1BC 179D4564
040B0000 03E2D1C0 1E210922
040B0000 03E2D1C4 10000001
040B0000 03E2D1C8 B9401421
040B0000 03E2D1CC 1E22002B
040B0000 03E2D1D0 1E2B0842
040B0000 03E2D1D4 D65F03C0

040B0000 0257E748 1462BA99

[Damage Multiplier x2]
040B0000 01FA1224 947A2FE7
040B0000 03E2D1D8 00000002

[Damage Multiplier x4]
040B0000 01FA1224 947A2FE7
040B0000 03E2D1D8 00000004

[Damage Multiplier x8]
040B0000 01FA1224 947A2FE7
040B0000 03E2D1D8 00000008

[Inga x8]
040B0000 02583484 0B130D01

[Inf Ninja Tools]
040B0000 0232B994 51000282

[No energy required for Ninja Skill]
040B0000 0234E664 52800020
040B0000 0234E784 1E2703E0
040B0000 0234E7AC 1E2703E0

[Time Pause]
040B0000 0227EBDC 6E208408

[Enemy Kills x5]
040B0000 02274F98 0B040BF3

[The highest  evaluate]
040B0000 01FCEC20 31000929
040B0000 01FCEC80 31000929

[Enhance weapons use no Inga]
040B0000 01EAF980 52800000
040B0000 01E5AD04 2A1F03F6
040B0000 01E5B910 D503201F
040B0000 01E5BBF4 2A1F03E2

[Rapidly increasing ninja friends]
040B0000 0234EEC8 0B162129

[Restore Code]
040B0000 0257E748 F9404515
040B0000 01FA1224 1E210922
040B0000 02583484 0B130101
040B0000 0227EBDC 4EA01C08
040B0000 0232B994 51000682
040B0000 0234E664 2A1F03E0
040B0000 0234E784 1E270100
040B0000 0234E7AC 1E203C20
040B0000 02274F98 2A0403F3
040B0000 01FCEC20 7100093F
040B0000 01FCEC80 7100093F
040B0000 01EAF980 B9400800
040B0000 01E5AD04 2A0303F6
040B0000 01E5B910 540000EC
040B0000 01E5BBF4 2A1603E2
040B0000 0234EEC8 0B160129

SAMURAI MAIDEN – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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