The Last Dragon Slayer Switch v1.1 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-The Last Dragon Slayer Switch v1.1 Cheat Codes-PANDA

Nintendo Switch game “The Last Dragon Slayer” cheat codes download, featuring 5 cheats, compatible with version 1.1; for other versions, please search on the official website.

Four heroes have arrived at the Belor Coast, a kingdom ravaged by the tyranny of dragons. To defeat this idol of heresy, you must first embark on a thorough exploration of mysterious dungeons, maze-like caves, and fertile terrains.

Here are the detailed cheat codes for those interested players to try out.

Spoiler: Code Version 1.1

The Last Dragon Slayer v1.1 TID: 010000501492E000 BID: C8A261F5EF9CCB88

[Breeze beta79  The Last Dragon Slayer 1.1 TID: 010000501492E000 BID: C8A261F5EF9CCB88]
[Off enable]
04000000 015C3800 B900DA68 
04000000 02056F1C B9401E68 

[  get hit to have hp 100 100]
04000000 02056F40 B9001E68 
04000000 02056F40 B9001E68 
04000000 02056F40 1400442A 
04000000 02067FE8 52800C88 
04000000 02067FEC B9001A68 
04000000 02067FF0 B9001E68 
04000000 02067FF4 17FFBBD4 

[shield no dec]
04000000 015C3800 B900DA68 
04000000 015C3800 D503201F 

[ohk & hp 100 not ohk]
04000000 02056F1C B9401E68 
04000000 02056F1C 145CAF41 
04000000 03782C20 B9401E68 
04000000 03782C24 7101911F 
04000000 03782C28 54000060 
04000000 03782C2C B9001E7F 
04000000 03782C30 B9401E68 
04000000 03782C34 17A350BB 

[g x4]
04000000 016FA734 0B140108 
04000000 016FA734 0B140908 

The Last Dragon Slayer – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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