Borderlands 3 Switch v1.0.1 Cheat Codes

picture[1]-Borderlands 3 Switch v1.0.1 Cheat Codes - PANDA-PANDA

Nintendo Switch game “Borderlands 3” cheat codes download, featuring 5 cheats, compatible with version 1.0.1; for other versions, please search on the official website.

In the game, players will choose one of four new Vault Hunters and engage in a life-and-death battle with new enemies in a completely new world. Fight against the crazed enemies to seize heaps of loot and rescue the homeland from the galaxy’s most ruthless cult leaders.

Here are the detailed cheat codes for those interested players to try out.

picture[2]-Borderlands 3 Switch v1.0.1 Cheat Codes - PANDA-PANDA

Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.1

Borderlands 3 v1.0.1 TID: 01009970122E4000 BID: 9955E96CC5CED88F

[Breeze beta84  Borderlands 3 1.0.1 TID: 01009970122E4000 BID: 9955E96CC5CED88F]
[no reload]
04000000 06F6DF24 4B140116 
04000000 06F6DF24 52800C96 

[ fill (also for enemy)]
04000000 067E0680 BD40A260 
04000000 067E0680 BD40A260 
04000000 067E0680 142B997C 
04000000 072C6C70 1C000060 
04000000 072C6C74 BD00A260 
04000000 072C6C78 17D46683 
04000000 072C6C7C 447A0000 

[money 100m]
04000000 02C47CB0 B940010A 
04000000 02C47CB0 1519FBF4 
04000000 072C6C80 1800008A 
04000000 072C6C84 B900010A 
04000000 072C6C88 B900410A 
04000000 072C6C8C 16E6040A 
04000000 072C6C90 05F5E100 

[pts no dec]
04000000 0213A420 71000508 
04000000 0213A420 D503201F 

[Off enable]
04000000 06F6DF24 4B140116 
04000000 02C47CB0 B940010A 
04000000 0213A420 71000508 

Borderlands 3 – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

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