![picture[1]-The Wonderful One: After School Hero Switch v1.0.0 Cheat Codes-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/01/The-Wonderful-One-After-School-Hero.webp)
Cheat codes for the Nintendo Switch game “The Wonderful One: After School Hero” are available for download, compatible with version 1.0.0. For other versions, please search on the website.
In the game, you can utilize three different modes. Pick up the Arcade mode to experience how Luca becomes a mature hero with the Wonderful Goggles. The Challenge mode allows you to choose and play any training you like. In the Fleet mode, see how high a score you can achieve within 5 minutes starting from training.
Below are the detailed cheat codes for players interested in giving them a try.
![picture[2]-The Wonderful One: After School Hero Switch v1.0.0 Cheat Codes-PANDA](https://oss.imwmi.com/file/imwmi/webp/2024/01/QQ20240123170151.webp)
Spoiler: Code Version 1.0.0
The Wonderful One: After School Hero v1.0.0 TID: 010033001B03C000 BID: 3662478EE0B08C5E
[Breeze beta79c The Wonderful One: After School Hero 1.0.0 TID: 010033001B03C000 BID: 3662478EE0B08C5E]
[ moon jump hover]
04000000 01337DC0 1E341000
04000000 01337DC0 1E2E1000
04000000 00E9F7A0 BD002400
04000000 00E9F7A0 14126188
04000000 01337DC0 1E265000
04000000 01337DC4 BD002400
04000000 01337DC8 17ED9E77
[ moon jump off]
04000000 00E9F7A0 BD002400
[life 9]
04000000 02096328 00000009
[ticket 9]
04000000 02096320 00000009
[xa 9]
04000000 0209631C 0000006D
The Wonderful One: After School Hero – Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer
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